REDEMPTION VILLAGE Inc. emerged from a God-ordained vision that was revealed through much fasting and prayer to visionary Dorsella Reynolds.
It is a non-profit, faith-based ministry designed to assist the crucial needs of individuals released from incarceration, both men and women.
This aftercare program provides a residential therapeutic home environment, daily congregate meals, life skills, provide transportation, job training, behavioral management, individual and group therapy, educational enrichment, mentoring, health, nutrition and fitness classes, drug and alcohol treatment and intervention. Family support services, and referrals.
This array of services is based on the holistic and systems approach using Godly principles, daily affirmations, lively participatory Bible studies and wholesome recreation.
We seek to reduce recidivism and empower these persons to become successful, productive members of society, enable family re-unification, and encourage them to honor their purpose and destiny and our faithful and loving God.